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Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knols, Insights and Opinions from the curious minds at Knoldus Inc.
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Back2Basics: Exception Handling — #4

In the previous series of blogs, we have seen how we can do error handling in Scala. In this blog, we will explore yet another way of handling exceptions using the functional style of programming.

ScalaFP: Firsthand With Scala-Cats Monads — #1

In the previous post, we had a look at the reasons behind the monads and how monads can help us design the programs in a functional style. Now we are going to explore some of the monads which are frequently used in the applications but not…

Back2Basics: Exception Handling — #3

In our previous blog Exception Handling — #2, we talked about how we can handle exception using Either.

In this blog, we will explore further about Either, how we can elegantly handle exceptions using Either while working with Collections

Back2Basics: Understanding Partial Function — #2

In previous blog Understanding Partial Functions — #1, we have talked about what is partial function and how they are different from regular functions. In this blog, we will explore more about the partial function.

Back2Basics: Exception Handling — #2

In our previous blog, we have seen how we can handle exceptions using try/catch and Try block. In this blog, we will explore how we can handle exceptions using Either.