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Functional Programming

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Still with Spring? 9 reasons to Akka

As a niche consulting and development organization we end up in a lot of enterprises who would like to modernize, would like to build web-scale products but they are not ready to look beyond Spring. It is a strongly debated topic and there are reasons for still…

ScalaFP: Firsthand With Scala-Cats Monads — #1

In the previous post, we had a look at the reasons behind the monads and how monads can help us design the programs in a functional style. Now we are going to explore some of the monads which are frequently used in the applications but not…

Case Class Inheritance

Hello friends, as discussed in the previous blog we know what are case classes and what boilerplate code do they generate.

Now in this blog, we will be discussing case class inheritance, how it can be achieved as the case to case inheritance is prohibited due to…