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Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knols, Insights and Opinions from the curious minds at Knoldus Inc.
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Best Practices for Moving to the Cloud

Recently there has been a lot of interest in the cloud. There have been some major developments that have ignited the interest of many enterprises. It would not be late before enterprises start looking around and find that their competitors have already taken…

Experiences at Cloud Computing Conference Pune 2011

I was one of the speaker of the second IndicThreads conference held at Pune on 3–4th June 2011.

Sessions at the conference dealt with key topics like Cloud Security, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Legal Issues in Cloud…

Custom Versioning for Google Docs: Working with Google Docs on Google App Engine

Inphina, as an expert on Google App Engine and Google Apps has enabled many medium to large organizations leverage the cloud by building, migrating or re-engineering complex line of business…

Google Apps: Creating a Workflow Based Expense Tracking System

In my last example on Google Apps within the enterprise, you had seen how easy it was to implement a Leave tracking system with the help of Google Apps. In this post, we would look at the introduction of workflow in an…

Respecting Open Closed Principle with Visitor Pattern

One of the common principles in the bouquet of SOLID principles is the Open Closed Principle (OCP) which states that software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. This means that if we have to add any new…

Preparing a Leave Tracking System in less than 30 minutes with Google Apps

On one of our fun filled iBAT sessions, we decided to build something which would be quick and also have business value for Inphina. Amongst the top candidates was a leave tracking system. Inphina is an…