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Google Apps

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Knoldus - Technical Insights
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Play Framework 2.0: Generate TinyUrl With goo.gl API

The Google URL Shortener at goo.gl is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link that is easier to share, tweet, or email.

Google Apps Script And Getting Site Context

Google Script UI services enables to create rich UI in Google Sites. There is a bug where there is no way to find out directly where Google Apps Script is embedded in Sites. If you are faced with similar dilemma and need a workaround read on. This a…

Custom Versioning for Google Docs: Working with Google Docs on Google App Engine

Inphina, as an expert on Google App Engine and Google Apps has enabled many medium to large organizations leverage the cloud by building, migrating or re-engineering complex line of business…

Google Apps: Creating a Workflow Based Expense Tracking System

In my last example on Google Apps within the enterprise, you had seen how easy it was to implement a Leave tracking system with the help of Google Apps. In this post, we would look at the introduction of workflow in an…

Preparing a Leave Tracking System in less than 30 minutes with Google Apps

On one of our fun filled iBAT sessions, we decided to build something which would be quick and also have business value for Inphina. Amongst the top candidates was a leave tracking system. Inphina is an…