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Intelligent Monitoring

Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knoldus - Technical Insights
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Premon Architecture

In our last post I introduced you to the basic characteristics of Premon, the Intelligent Monitoring solution. In this post let us try to look at what is the architecture of Premon which makes it possible for Premon to support the characteristics that we talked about. Let us look at the…

Intelligent Monitoring With Premon

In our last post, we discussed how intelligence can be built into the monitoring systems. This helps in decreasing the burden of system monitoring and allows administrators and stakeholders to focus on relevant information. In this post we would introduce Premon and…

Building Intelligence Into Monitoring

In our last post, we discussed the pitfalls of the traditional monitoring solutions. We also touched upon a possible solution to take care of the issues. Let us try to analyse that solution in some more detail now.

Achilles Heels’ of Traditional Monitoring Software

In the last post on the state of monitoring software we looked at how monitoring was done in the past, how it is being done now and where does it need to go. In this post let us try to look at the concrete weakness areas of the current…