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Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knoldus - Technical Insights
Knols, Insights and Opinions from the curious minds at Knoldus Inc.
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KnolX: Unit Testing of Spark Applications

Knoldus organized a KnolX session on Wednesday, 13 April 2016. In this KnolX session, we explored the different methods of writing unit tests for Spark applications. This session also talks about how unit testing of Spark applications is done, as well as…

Fundamentals of eXtreme Programming

The term Extreme Programming (XP) was coined by Kent Beck, in late 1990s. The purpose behind inventing XP was to find a way to deliver high quality software, developed by small teams, and to keep up with the changing requirements of customer. Although, XP is more…

Knolx Session: Category Theory In Scala

This session was presented at Knoldus knowledge session. There is a wonderful post on Category Theory by Debashish Ghosh. This presentation is inspired by his post here.

Here is the presentation.

[slideshare id=14244250&doc=scalacategorytheory-120911011101-phpapp01]

Knolx Session: Implicit Conversions and Parameters

This session was presented at Knolx Session at Knoldus. I introduced implicit conversions and parameters in scala. Implicit conversion allows us to fix type errors and allows us to define new methods on existing library. Here is the…

Knolx Sesion: Akka 2.0 Reloaded

Akka allows us to write concurrent, fault tolerant and scalable applications. We recently migrated our product from Akka 1.3x to Akka 2.x. The new version is quite different from 1.3x versions. It is not merely an API change but an overall change. We have to also think…