The Healing Butterfly-Divine Guidance

2.13.2021-Oracle Messages & Guided Astral Meditation For Abundance & Healing The Money Wound

Today’s Daily Energy Update & Spiritual Guidance

Infiniti 🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Canva Project By Infiniti

Since the beginning of the month I have been guided to put together a daily report for The Collective; “Today’s Energy Update & Spiritual Guidance,” it consists of many topics and information each day, and takes a good amount of time and energy to put together. I’ve learned a lot from doing them and I hope you have too.

I was guided to do something a little different for the 2.12.2021 report, and here for the 2.13.2021 daily guidance I was told to change it up even more.

My guides coming in today to tell me that instead of doing the usual report, I was to pull a Hidden Worlds Oracle card and facilitate a guided mediation for abundance & healing the money wound — this was how to best use my energy, and what The Collective really needs right now.

I had a round about idea of what we would do in the meditation — but it was so much more than I thought!

To explain, I do not design my meditations — I simply show up and let the guidance show me what we are doing and how to guide you.

I certainly needed this healing for myself — even though I have worked very hard to clear my abundance channels, and heal my money wounds, there’s always more to get to under this theme.

The guidance coming through — and pure logic tells us that we all could use more abundance and healing our money wound, and I’m very excited to share this healing practice with you. Do this relatively short healing as often as you need to.

As far as my daily updates, these daily offerings will be ever-changing with what it is I’m guided to do — which I like, it keeps things fresh, and I’m always working with the energies and through my guides for how to spend my time and energy, aside from my one-on-one work with my clients.

I can’t wait to see what I’m guided to do for 2.14.2021!

No matter what, I’ll do my best to cross over my work between, my podcast and YouTube and follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration!

I hope you are able to heal through this meditation, and fully allow Abundance into you, and your world.

Here’s the link to the Spotify feed, but you can also get to it directly from my website here, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

You’ll also find it on my YouTube channel-by midnight on 2.13.2021, subscribe to know when I upload new content!

I hope you are guided to do the meditation — as it was truly magical! Please let me know how it went for you, and if you feel a shift within you!


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Happy 13th of February, Lovely Soul, I truly hope it’s magical for you. Please post any questions in the comments! Thank you for reading today’s messages — see you tomorrow!

If you resonate with the vibrations of these messages, please visit my website to download my 4 new & FREE ebooks:

  • The Essential Empath Guide
  • What Is Psychic Attack & How To Eliminate Negative Energy
  • The Spiritual War: The Light, The Dark & Your Energy
  • The Importance of Cord Cutting with Guided Astral Meditation Practice!



Infiniti 🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.