Healing prose-poetry

Broken Hearts Hotel

There has to be a place where our hearts can come to heal

Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Manor house in the countryside surrounded by trees
Photo by Stephen Packwood on Unsplash

Too many things can shake and break our hearts in life. Relationships, divorce, miscarriage, infertility, job loss, disease, death, war, poverty, existential crises, addiction, pet loss, and the list goes on and on.

Our hearts can become sore, tender, raw and ravaged by so many hurts.

There has to be a place where we can call home. Where we can bring our hearts to, cover them in a warm blanket, and lay our pain to rest.

I call this place the Broken Hearts Hotel.

It’s a place where we can be ourselves and rest in pure vulnerability. Where all the performances and pretentiousness are gone. Where the past hurts and pains, no longer throw daggers at our souls. Where life has meaning and the purpose of our existence is clear.

It’s a hotel where all our invited with the only condition that we wash our hearts clean of any strife, and negativity before we take on room and board.

Will you come with me to the Broken Hearts Hotel?

Poet’s commentary: I’m Egypt, a poet and writer. I write at the intersection of poetry, words, and thoughts.

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Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer and Poet. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.