Self-Love TIP

How To Release Emotional Pain Without Knowing The Root Cause

I was looking for a simple way to heal and found three


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Loving yourself means to embrace your emotions. Quote by author
Image created in CANVA by the author

Are you feeling upset, triggered, drained or frustrated these last few days or weeks?

It’s happening for many of us, so I thought I would share three simple processes I use when feeling emotionally under the weather.

Whatever emotion is present for you now was once created with your senses and an emotional assumption or perception that felt real at the time of creation.

‘I am just not loved, nobody cares’ is the assumption that I project out. That is how I used to see my world.

‘I feel like I am the only one on the planet, nobody takes any notice of me. It doesn’t even matter if I didn’t exist.’ These words describe the painful emotions from the past.

If these old beliefs come up again to finally be seen, felt and acknowledged, be glad!

They come up to be healed and gain your full attention.

So be with what is present, don’t ignore it any longer.

The first method I use to let go of unwanted beliefs and emotions is a shorter version of my Soul Alignment Process.

During this process, I am experiencing a close connection to my pain, I know what the part of me who is in pain needs. I can hear her words.

I am the observer and the one who is feeling the pain.

Start with feeling what is there and go into the core of that emotion.

You might get an old belief come up like ‘nobody wants me’. Allow your younger you to say whatever it wanted to say. Just listen, allow and observe.

You might get a memory, observe it, hear the words that are associated and feel the pain. You have the power to to that.

Look at your inner pain from the consciousness that is aware of everything.

Then ask yourself how you want to release the pain using an imagination.*

Now connect with your heart, embrace the emotion and send all your Love to the part of you who felt the pain.

When you do that, the power of your innate Love reintegrates the painful emotion and you are free. (Repeat if you don’t feel a shift. Maybe your mind has to first accept that you can let this pain go).

*I’ve used an imaginary vacuum cleaner or seen a large column of light flowing into my crown chakra dissolving the low energy. Or I call on a light being, put the painful energy into a bubble of light and hand it over.

My second practice for releasing old pain is to simply observe.

Sometimes you are only aware of a frustration or lack of motivation but can’t name the emotion, so you say ‘There is nothing there’ and ignore it.

Our mind likes to dismiss these little signs of not feeling well because it is not connected with the emotional body, therefore it can easily push it under the carpet. It doesn’t understand emotions.

But there is frustration, maybe impatience or discontent and you want to be free of that.

Are you ready to admit how you’re feeling?

Then let whatever is present be there. Sit with it. Become very observant and neutral to what is there without judgment. Just observe and feel.

Now you cannot ignore it any longer. Then go a step further and own what is there.

You can no longer identify with the discontent because you are the observer.

When you’re moving further away from the low energy, it’s easy to reconnect with your heart.

As soon as I am in my heart I feel love, warmth and contentment and all the discontent is gone.

There is a third very simple method I have used to eliminate a strong fear of not having enough money.

I put my hands on my heart and repeated three empowering words over and over:

I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU for one hour on the first night before going to sleep, then for 30 minutes on the second night and the same on the third night.

I repeated this mantra in this way when I had a huge fear of not having enough money about 7 years ago. After the third night, the fear was down to about 10%.

In all these years, it never came back and I never had the same situation again.

This is my third powerful way of releasing old painful emotions and limiting beliefs using a simple process.

The mind wants to make everything complicated but life in itself is simple.


To release painful emotions, discontent or limiting beliefs we need to be fully present.

When we allow our feelings to take centre stage, we take back our power from the mind and become the master of our lives.

When we’re willing to empower ourselves, we move beyond our present stuckness.

We are infinite beings with unlimited consciousness who can focus our attention on what we desire.

All fears, pains and limiting beliefs are like dark clouds in front of our light, with our awareness and the power of our love, they can be removed.

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