In My Distant Elusive Dream You Love Me

I choose to learn through love. Weekend prompt for 1/24/21. Thank you, Diana C.

Esther George
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels

The early light of dawn comes up too soon. I’m not about to rush off on another drudgery. The energy of the morning does not excite me. My ideas and agendas have not quite taken over the stillness of the day.

I used to love the break of day. It brought hope, anticipation for a new beginning.

But lately, I’m no longer excited to see the first streak of light. I don’t look forward to getting out of bed. The dayshine informs me it’s time to wake, to release my visions of the night and to exit my dreamland, bidding me to walk away from my place of joy. I have to depart and come back to the real world.

The watchers laughed at me and said I’m foolish. They call me a dreamer. They say this is not real. When the sun comes up, I’d have to return to where my soles touch the ground, to move away from that which I’ve created on a whim and accept what is fixed and real. Give up your silly illusions, they say, and discard your thoughtless, fatuous fantasies.

But I pray to the gods that the stars above would not dim their light now. I pray that the portal to the land of my dream world continues to blaze. I pretend to be asleep, to remain in this realm of…



Esther George
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.