Self-Empowerment Insight

Little-Known Insight About Our Ego

How knowing my two selves empowers me


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How to deal with emotional challenges. Photo of a pink brain and a pink heart on a sea-saw.
PHOTO created on CANVA Pro by author

When we experience an emotionally challenging situation, we can choose between acting from our ego mind, whose centre is our brain, or responding from our Soul, which resides in our hearts.

Once we’ve realised that we have these two options and these two selves we hold the power to uplift and love ourselves no matter what situation we are in.

This realization is where our self-empowerment journey begins.

Ready? Let’s go!

Mastering emotional triggers

Every human being has particular reoccurring ego challenges to overcome. They are those emotional triggers from childhood you might already know about.

Do you know what yours are?

  • Maybe you feel unloved or unwanted when people seemingly ignore you, don’t reply to your messages or when a situation arises that presses your ‘I’m not good enough’ button.
  • Or you feel anxious about how people will react when you’re being your authentic self; you fear doing things wrong, being judged, shamed or criticised.
  • Or you might be scared of being alone since you always had company and the thought of your loved one dying is the worst.

When we are experiencing emotional turmoil we tend to become demanding, telling our loved ones to call more, be more attentive or more supportive.

That is the ego at play whose alarm bell is pressed when a lack of love, approval, safety or company is present.

The reason for the alarm bell going off is threefold.

  1. The ego perceives itself as separate and alone because it is not connected to our heart.

2. This perceived separation creates a feeling of unsafety as soon as an old childhood wound is triggered.

3. This perception of being separate from others gives us our unique human experience where we are the centre of our world. So we need the ego for that.

The ego creates two main challenges:

  1. Our ego is made to focus on ourselves, our safety, our supplies, our happiness and our friendships. This creates the well-known selfishness of an undeveloped ego that has not yet learned to connect with the heart.
  2. Our egos are rooted in fear. For them, life is all about survival. When the ego is undeveloped, it goes berserk when one of its needs is not met.

Can you see how anxiety is caused by these two?

It’s our task to master our egos.

To empower ourselves we need to understand how the ego feels and why, love it and help it to feel safe.

That is what most people don’t know.

We empower ourselves by not identifying with the ego any longer because we know we are so much more.

WHO ARE YOU? Scrabble tiles form those words.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

So, we come here as infinite loving beings to squeeze into a small body to only think about ourselves?

Yes! Just like the droplet in the huge sea that longs to be one with the infinite, loving and peaceful ocean.

Then we go through lots of emotional suffering during childhood and somehow have to find our feet to transition into adulthood, often with very little guidance. What’s it all about?

Yes, that’s the time we hopefully remember who we truly are. Then the real work begins: Finding our true Selves and returning Home to our hearts.

But as long as we identify as being a small, meaningless drop we cannot unite with the vastness we truly are.

To have the beautiful human experiences we love to have, we need to let go of believing that we are our ego and remember that we are eternal Souls.

How to soothe the ego

The ego is only a little part of our self, that looks out and sees what is going on around us, and makes personalised assumptions that are often distorted or false as they are rooted in fear, lack and limitation.

Have you noticed that it is easier to be negative and fearful for the brain?

That’s how it is wired. It is what we are up against if we want to free ourselves from the ego’s shackles.

The ego is our shadow self. It is part of our human existence and we need to guide it back to our light.

All it needs is to feel safe.

We can help it by saying ‘I am safe’ and ‘All is well’ whenever it feels fear.

I’ve practiced that for years and can say that by giving ourselves this kind of self-love we soothe our nervous system to calm down and eventually return to inner peace.

Our words are powerful commands to our bodies and help us take back our power.

Returning to your heart to disengage with your ego. Photo of a pair of hands holding a heartshaped globe.
PHOTO created on CANVA Pro by author


Self-empowerment is the ability to pull ourselves out of the identification with the ego, see through our brain's fears and stay heart-centred no matter what!

When more and more people are aware of how important it is to stay still inside when feeling triggered, hurt, unsure or scared we can create more Love in our world, starting with ourselves.

  • Each time we neglect to strengthen the Love in ourselves we feed our ego and its fears and remain a prisoner in its little box.
  • Each time we stay still in the power of our hearts, we feed our true selves, and grow our confidence and independence.

Do you choose to be the tiny drop in the ocean or the vast ocean itself? Let me know in the comments.

If this article was insightful and you like more reminders, stories and teachings on who you really are to empower yourself do follow, subscribe and comment. I love to connect with you!

Here’s another story that highlights how our egos influence us.

