Surviving Through The Chaos: My Self-Care & Wellness Journey So Far

It Was A Bumpy Ride, But I Survived.

O.J Ebubeoha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 6, 2023


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Home wasn't the best medicine for me at the beginning of the year. It began with funeral preparations for my late grandmother.

Upon my return to base, I dived straight into work to make up for my extended holiday break, combined with professional classes and living life.

It wasn't a fun experience, and my life imploded as soon as I got back.

I felt stressed out of my mind.

Anxiety and I became best pals.

I experienced difficulty sleeping.

Every bone in my body screamed for help.

Nothing about my day looked exciting for a long while.

I had terrible mood swings, felt irritable, and couldn't concentrate much on anything.

The first quarter of 2023 passed by in a rush and, honestly, I was super glad it did.

By April, I'd had enough. I became more intentional with my self-care, cultivating healthier habits by listening to my needs.

Some of the healthier habits I embraced were:

I stopped returning home with work files for a while.

This habit rewired my brain from thinking a lot about work. Instead, I sort out proper rest after a hectic day.

I curbed late nights from my list.

Cultivating this habit triggered my body into sleep mode. I struggled less with sleep, anxiety, and awful mood swings.

Scaled my work, school, and personal activities in order of preference and worked with my list.

This habit helped me focus more on one important item at a time instead of doing too little of everything.

Cultivated a fetish for music, long showers, and podcasts.

This kink saved and improved my mental health tremendously. Anytime I felt overwhelmed, I pull the plug on my activities and dive into my kink.

Embraced journaling through creating art.

Positively retelling my stories helped me stay detached from the negative feelings I struggled with.

Self-care is more than exercising, eating healthy, or taking a walk.

It is about holistically nourishing our realms of energy (Mental, spiritual, physical, emotional) that feed into manifesting a healthy and balanced life.

A misalignment in our realms of energy disrupts our self-care routines, causing unfavorable shifts in our lifestyles.

What happened to me earlier in the year proved my mental energy was in misalignment with the rest of my energy realms. But I didn’t listen to my self-care needs.

Rather, I kept pushing myself, refusing to acknowledge what my body and emotions knew all along.

The third quarter of this year already feels like a breeze with my self-care and wellness journey. I'm listening more, living intentionally, and practicing mindfulness daily.

— I know when to stop and restart.

— I know when to pause and rest.

— I know when to give and take.

Final Thoughts —

The chaos of changing seasons is never over.

We’ll have good days and bad. We’ll struggle through some and others will pass by like a breeze, but we stay in control and keep our realms of energy in alignment.

I encourage us to always find balance in the chaos so we don’t lose ourselves totally to it.

Self-care is an intentional act. We may not get it right always, but we must choose to stay mindful.

Hi, I’m Jane. I enjoy sharing articles about gratitude, growth, healing, wellness, and intriguing, relatable topics.

Thank you for reading my piece. I hope you’ll share your thoughts on it.

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O.J Ebubeoha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | www.ojebubeoha.com | www.linkedin.com/in/ebubeohajane