This Week’s Prompt: 19–25.10

All things enlightenment.

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Ahsan Avi on Unsplash

Good morning/afternoon/evening, now and forever!

“Why enlightenment, Diana? Why?”

Because…Back in January, I wrote an article titled “How Do You Know You’re Not Spiritually Enlightened?” and my perspective on this topic hasn’t changed much ever since.

I’ve never been one to chase the state of ‘enlightenment’ or ‘Nirvana’ or whatever you wanna call it. It is not my goal by any means. Heck, I just wanna enjoy every minute of the journey, while reminding myself that, although I still have plenty of work to do on healing wounds and peeling off layers that are not ME, I am whole. Just like the moon, I go through phases, but I am whole all along!

Now I know a lot of people have differents views. For instance, my mom is all about chasing this state, trying out every tool available to her in oder to hopefully reach it. While I try not to interfere (her journey, her lessons), it does make me wonder, where does this belief stem from? Is it this belief that transformed spirituality into a multi billion dollar business? Making people believe they can’t attain peace if they are not enlightened?

I don’t know. Honestly. That’s why I am asking you, dear readers and contributors, what is ENLIGHTENMENT? What does it mean to you? What are your…



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts /