
Where I’ve Been

And Where I Hope to Go

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Within a two-toned hallway of white and brown, are four white doors. Two are across from each other. Two are directly next to each other.
Within a two-toned hallway of white and brown, are four white doors. Two are across from each other. Two are directly next to each other. Image via Canva.

I saw the light at the end of the tunnel
Ran and trapped it between my palms
Held it tightly as I slept through the night
Only to find it dead the next morning
Having suffocated while the stars looked away
Leaving this hope to rot in the prison of choice

This February, my psychiatrist victim blamed me. It left me reeling. To be honest, I’m still trying to fight my way back. But, I’m better today than I have been in a long while. So I’m taking advantage of this headspace and finally putting these fingertips back to work.

It’s been months since I’ve posted. Even longer since I’ve read my friends’ and favorites’ words. This lacking has laid heavily on my spirit. Medium has been my happy place for almost two years. Here I get to share my work with other survivors and caring hearts. I get to make my dreams of becoming a working writer a reality. I’ve missed the joy and hope this place once brought me. I’m tired of the voices in my head trying to convince I’m not worthy of being here.

Not all my demons have vanished. They never will. Believing they would was my mistake. I believed my mental health treatment would vanquish all that held me back. That getting better meant I was better. But that voice in my head? It isn’t interested in isolated battles. It’s set on war. It intends to oppress and take me down. This is its only goal. I know this now.

I have been preparing myself for this lifelong conflict with my therapist. We’re coming up with tools and resources I can rely on when my brain goes off. We’re still at the building stage, but I do have some of these tools on my belt. It’s just about grabbing them when I need to. That’s the hard part.

My brain has spent my life trying to convince me I’m not worth the effort. But I am. It wouldn’t have to work so hard at trying to convince me I was worthless if it was true. There is clearly a larger and stronger force within me. It has kept me alive and on this healing journey for the past three years. This is my source of power. And unfortunately for the voices in my head, this force will overcome them. They will become mere whispers throughout the day. And soon I’ll be able to silence them when I need to get things done. This war may never end, but I will die victorious. Having lived a life that was mine.


This was originally started at the beginning of April. I have since relapsed, but am getting better. I still hope to return to Medium. [April 27, 2024]

Dear reader, please stay on this page for at least 30 seconds for Medium to count this as read. Your support is deeply appreciated!

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72 stories
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Destiny is a Funny Thing”.
White background. At the top is half of a black circle with the flat part facing the bottom. Between the black and white space are the words: “Self-Forgiveness”.
Within a two-toned hallway of white and brown, are four white doors. Two are across from each other. Two are directly next to each other.

Dark Poetry

88 stories
The image is from the perspective of someone looking out the window on a rainy day. At the bottom of the page is grey text: “Desert Depression”.
The background is an image of an overfilled bookshelf. There is white text at the bottom of the image: “Life After Trauma: Volume Three”.
Black background. Grey text is at the bottom of the screen: “My Psychiatrist Victim Blamed Me”. There are three grey arrows pointing towards the text.

Horror Poetry

6 stories
White background. Black text: “Excerpts From My Horror Poetry”.
Foggy woodland background. Grey text in the middle of the page: “A Forest Friend”.
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Skin”.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write as a means to heal. I hope my words can serve as a reminder, that we are not alone. That we all deserve to be heard and seen. [they/them]