Why Do Writers Keep On Writing?

Is there more to the craft of writing than meets the eye?

Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMar 7, 2024


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Today I read a story here on Medium. Where the writer explained her disbelief that people would read her stories. Her article sparked a knowing feeling in me. I battle regularly with feelings of inadequacy in my writing, and craft, and shared some of her sentiments on why people would even read her words.

I mean, why would anyone read my words? Don’t they have better things to do? I mean, it’s not like I’m the greatest writer out there anyway.

Almost every time I sit down to kiss my fingers on the keyboard, these inner demons of self-doubt, and smallness engulf my mind.

But I summon courage and get on with it anyway. Because I know that even if one person out there is touched by my random words. That is good enough.

It’s mind-boggling to realize that our words have power.

  • Power to shift energy, power to stir anger.
  • Power to affect growth.
  • Power to heal our lives and that of others.

It’s humbling and very empowering to think that, as writers, we are alchemists channeling the power in our words, to make positive changes in our life.

I’ve written 3 articles or poems already this day. As I write more and more, I am realizing the completing power of the writing process.

  • Writing allows energy to flow
  • Writing allows us to clear our minds
  • Writing allows me to share pieces of my heart
  • Writing allows me to show my authenticity
  • Writing allows me to feel connected to myself and others
  • Writing allows me to step out of consumerism and into creativity

Writing for me has been one of the most healing tools. It is made more so, by knowing that others are reading my words.

So I’ll ask a simple favor from whoever is reading this.

If you feel there is no point to your words. STOP that thought process, there is.

If you feel you’re not the best at writing. STOP that thinking. No one is.

Hang in there and grow your writing craft. Word by word, story by story, or poem by poem.

The world needs to hear your words. Because your words can travel farther than you ever can.

Stay well and keep writing.

Writer’s note



Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts. https://ko-fi.com/wordsbyegypt