Writing Life | Writing Inspiration

Your Words Matter

Tell your story because you don’t know how far it will travel

Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


“Every single time you feel something, if you don’t express it, you are robbing the planet of your heart.” — Sheila Kelley

If you’re a writer like me, you've probably encountered imposter syndrome. Or feeling like you're not good enough. Or wondering, like I often do, if anyone is reading your words? If anyone actually cares about the things you write on?

Because with all the busyness and ever-doing-ness (yeah I made that word up) of modern living. Who has time and headspace to fully take in the thoughts and words of another? Especially a random writer online?

So how does one proceed on their writing journey with the inner voice of self-doubt screaming through it all? Well, I work hard constantly to squelch that inner voice of unworthiness and self-doubt.

Telling myself that If I think it. It deserves to go out into the world as words. Who cares how it will be received. Because I write for myself as much as, if not more than, I write for others.

I write regularly as a form of self-therapy, stress relief, expressive unfolding, and to clear my mind. It’s more than a means to garner followers, or make money someday. Although both these prospects are lovely.

Perhaps someone reading my work will be nourished, inspired or entertained. Perhaps my words will provoke another to reflect on their own life. Perhaps someone will feel a sense of companionship and shared experience with my writing.

Perhaps in a simple way I will be the spark that lights up another’s fire. Of course I’ll never fully know the impacts of my words (feel free to tell me in the comments). But that won’t stop me from putting them out in the world anyway.

So I’m deciding not to care too much about this. Not to overthink the outcomes of all this writing online. I want to run with the flow, and process of regular writing, and see the many paths it unfolds for me.

That’s a more exciting, and less soul-sinking way to approach our writing. I’m deciding to allow myself the permission to express my depths and let go of outcomes.

I’m not Stephen King or Margaret Atwood in my writing abilities. But they are not an Egypt either. My story is valid, my voice is worth airing. So is your voice and your story.

You see, I figured we’ll all be in a better place creatively if each person does the best of themselves. No judgment, comparison, or guru-eyeing anyone. No need to be better than anyone. Let us simply be ourselves, and shine our individual light in the write-o-sphere.

I don’t have grand plans to go viral on here.

I didn’t start writing on Medium with the intent of mastering the algorithm or anything like that. This is simply another platform for me to share my thoughts, explore my voice, distill ideas, and improve, my writing craft.

I want to share fragments of my life experience and story. Without a tight grip on the outcome. Still, deep down I believe our words, our stories are not meant for us alone.

They could be the heart-salve that someone you’ll never meet needs. They could change the course of someone's life. Even though you’ll never know.

Or more selfishly, your writing can be a profound source of creative nourishment or self-expression. Allowing you to heal and transcend worries, and daily challenges.

You see, our creative passions are important in their own right. Our creative garden should be tended and watered with our actions, and intentions. Regardless of if we set the world on fire with our art.

What matters most is to set our hearts on fire, and create without restriction and care. I want to be courageous in doing more of this.

Want more writing related inspiration and reflections? Then take a look at my lists on writing below (You can also save the list too)


22 stories



Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer and Poet. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.