Laravel 5.4 error: Specified key was too long

Laravel 5.4 made a change to the default database character set, and it’s now utf8mb4 which includes support for storing emojis (ideagrams and smileys used in electronic messages and web pages). This only affects new applications and as long as you…

Using the Superfish dropdown menu in Drupal 8

Superfish is a smart and flexible module for creating nice, responsive and…

From Dusk Till Dawn

Writing website tests in Laravel could generally follow a simple algorithm: Write tests -> Run tests (kudos to phpunit) ->…

Loads of Stuff

While using my android phone in the past, I have been skeptical about using some features initially there to make me more…

Basic GIT commands with examples

Git is an essential revision control system for programmers because it aids in managing changes as…

Unravelling the Matrix Display

Building a text display using Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) is quite interesting. There are different…

Exploring UX in Mobile Apps

UX; User Experience is often wrongly Interchanged with UI (User Interface), even by industries that offer…