The First and Most Common Sin in Human History

The Way to great things? Accept and appreciate your own gifts

Joseph Serwach


Vanity by Auguste Toulmouche (1829–1890). Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons.

Imagine you’re history’s most incredible author, creating a character you truly love (your baby).

Now imagine your baby (like all great characters) takes on a life of their own, rejecting and ignoring you (their author), changing their nature and the whole story. That, in a nutshell, is sin: creation rejecting its creator.

The word “author” comes from “authority” because authors are authorities on their creations. The Author of the Universe is God. We are His creations following one of two roads, both starting with:

  • The Gift. Everything (except our own sin) is a gift. The Father gives every child unique gifts, perfect for their individual needs. Even the most perfect offerings include pluses and minuses, strengths, and challenges (and crosses) to overcome.
  • Communion. When a gift is given and freely accepted and appreciated in love, you have a genuine complete and whole relationship. Both giver and recipient follow the Law of the Gift: the more they each give, the more the love and truth grow between them as the relationship deepens.

When we aren’t grateful for our gifts, we follow three new steps:



Joseph Serwach

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.