What Are We Going to Do If ‘X’ or ‘Y’ Is Elected?!

Some historical perspective for followers of Jesus

Trip Kimball


Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

Exaggerations and unsubstantiated claims

Foreboding and hysteria continue to take center stage across the news and social media, especially when the president was admitted to the Walter Reed Medical Center.

Each presidential candidate, their running mates, and party surrogates say this is the most important election in American history. But aren’t they all?

It doesn’t matter which political party you side with or which cable news service you prefer, all sorts of exaggerated claims are made.

Most of these exaggerated claims are unsubstantiated or extreme extrapolations of possible outcomes based on either “x” or “y” being elected.

Of course, everyone seems to have their own opinion about it all. These tend to be reactions to or echos of what someone else says. They also reflect the fractured and polarized state of America.

Opposing opinions among Christian believers

The evangelical church also appears to be fractured with opposing opinions. This seems most apparent on social media and too much of what is said and repeated is just downright…



Trip Kimball

I’m a seasoned pastor, missionary, and writer committed to making what is abstract and conceptual, simple and clear. I also write at– www.tripkimball.com