Who Invented the Cross? How God Turns Our Evil Into His Good

Imagine your greatest fear: Now picture someone who can transform your fear into the most spectacular sign of hope, love, and power

Joseph Serwach


Who invented the cross? The cruelest torture tool — and the most significant symbol of love — in human history?

Did that inventor eventually learn his sin contributed to the greatest miracle? The most significant sign of contradiction? The root of Christianity?

The romantic surprise? God takes your worst idea and flips it upside down: Somehow, Jesus Christ grabs you and your mess, mixing your suffering with His love, leaving you with an utterly unexpected gift. And grace.

Are you more of a numbers person? Here’s the formula translated into a mathematic equation: Love +Suffering = Divine Mercy.

A vision of that first inventor of the cross

I minded my own business in church one morning when a vision and question hit me:

It was more than 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ when that diabolical mad man came up with this soul-crushing way to kill.



Joseph Serwach

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership