Kshamata’s ‘In Me, I Believe’ Social Reintegration Model

How we are successfully reintegrating exploitation survivors into society

Kshamata NGO
Kshamata NGO
3 min readMay 7, 2018


Art by Kshamata’s Survivor

Bharathy Tahiliani, Founder of Kshamata and UNICEF State Consultant by profession, observed in her 12-year, on-field work that while there were initiatives to rescue women from trafficking, there was a huge gap in making them truly productive and successfully integrated with society. Which invariably led to a rampant issue of survivor reintegration: re-victimization.

When she took on the responsiblity of helping Myriam personally (read about Myriam), she realized there was more to reintegration than just training and skilling a survivor. It took empowering Myriam emotionally and socially to ensure a true, sustainable reintegration for her.

Today, Myriam is so independent and self-confident, she empowers more Myriam’s like her at Kshamata herself.

With the learnings from Myriam, Bharathy founded Kshamata and its In Me, I Believe social reintegration model.

Today, the In Me, I Believe model has helped over 30 successful and sustainable reintegrations in 5 years.

Kshamata believes that every person should be able to experience hope and happiness in their lives. For those whose lives don’t let them, we help them take a rebirth.

In Me, I Believe (IMIB) Social Reintegration Model

We empower survivors of exploitation to reintegrate into society as dignified, positive and productive participants.

Over time, the IMIB model takes various steps to ensure holistic personal, social and financial growth. That involves:

  1. Finding Myriam
    Tool Sahayog (Cooperation)
    Team up with government law and order agencies and reach out to women in various shelter homes. Counsel them, conduct workshops and bring the willing ones to Kshamata.
  2. First Home
    Tool Samudyam (Commune)
    Welcome Myriam home like a new-born. She lives with the other women like a family. And learns to be loving, caring and responsible.
  3. First Friends
    Tool Saksham (Able)
    Get Myriam trained in basic and specialised skill programs at Gurukul as well as dedicated institutes. She interns and starts earning. And becomes financially independent.
  4. First Job
    Tool Swadheen (Self-Dependent)
    Encourage Myriam to run her own errands. She interacts with local vendors, neighbours and society. And discovers her hidden confidence.
  5. Taking Rebirth
    Myriam takes on her new life with a vision. We help set up group homes in society as she’s ready to fly. And when interfered by her fears, or she’s low, she calls us for a quick pep talk and marches forward.

Kshamata’s IMIB Model’s success rate and sustainability is proof that it can bring light to a million survivors globally.

We now work on strengthening our tools to deploy the In Me, I Believe model at every anti-trafficking support organisation in the world.

Kshamata empowers survivors of exploitation to reintegrate into society as dignified, positive and productive participants.

Want to help? If you’ve been through something drastic and have managed to get back to a happy life, share your story with Kshamata women and join our In Me, I Believe model. While we help them believe in themselves, you can help them believe in a better tomorrow.

Compilation courtesy: Eepsita, Abhilasha, Meghna, Tarun



Kshamata NGO
Kshamata NGO

We empower survivors of trafficking and exploitation to reintegrate into society as dignified, productive and positive participants.