What we’re solving at Kshamata

Woes of Social reintegration of survivors of exploitation

Kshamata NGO
Kshamata NGO
2 min readMay 6, 2018


Kshamata: an NGO that empowers survivors of exploitation to reintegrate into society as dignified, positive and productive participants

Bharathy Tahiliani, UNICEF State Consultant by profession, worked in the field of rehabilitation of survivors of exploitation for 12 years, before she founded Kshamata. During her course on field, she realized that while there were initiatives to rescue women from trafficking, there was a huge gap in making them truly productive and successfully integrated with society.

During Bharathy’s observation of on-field efforts, women who were re-integrated often fell back into the world they struggled so hard to give up. The most major reasons included:
- social stigma that caused rejection from society,
- lack of skills to sustain themselves financially, and
- unstable emotional health that made them an easy prey to predators.

Which meant that more often than not, the gap in social reintegration of survivors led to a rampant and grave issue: re-victimization.

It was important to tackle re-victimization to ensure not just temporary, but sustainable social reintegration.

And so at Kshamata, we work day in and day out to ensure every survivor we empower, is empowered not just financially, but also emotionally and socially. And to ensure a high number of successful, sustainable reintegrations, with 5 years of our work and 32 successfully reintegrated women, we created the In Me, I Believe model.

The In Me, I Believe social reintegration model supports women like Myriam in being emotionally strong, standing on her feet, learning a trade and realising her dreams. And then walking back into society with complete freedom and empowerment, living the new life that she has created.

See how the In Me, I Believe social reintegration model truly reintegrates women and help them with a rebirth.

Kshamata empowers survivors of exploitation to reintegrate into society as dignified, positive and productive participants.

Want to help? If you’ve been through something drastic and have managed to get back to a happy life, share your story with Kshamata women and join our In Me, I Believe model. While we help them believe in themselves, you can help them believe in a better tomorrow.

Compilation courtesy: Eepsita Gupta and Meghna Hiran



Kshamata NGO
Kshamata NGO

We empower survivors of trafficking and exploitation to reintegrate into society as dignified, productive and positive participants.