Kuende in Cosmos - The Internet of Blockchains

3 min readMar 19, 2019


Cosmos has successfully launched: https://blog.cosmos.network/blastoff-the-cosmos-hub-mainnet-is-live-41a7c749e0d0

We have been waiting for this moment with excitement and we must admit the journey has been amazing. Kuende is one of the first projects to build a zone in the Cosmos Network and a part of the Kuende Team have developed their own Cosmos Network Validator.

You might say we’re fans and you’d be right! Cosmos has given us a great solution for building a customized blockchain. Hundreds of hours of development time were saved because of Tendermint Core and the modularity of the Cosmos SDK.

Cosmos Network is known in the blockchain community as “The Internet of Blockchains”, being the very first project that made possible the connection and communication between different blockchain technologies.

The Cosmos Network allows us to provide the security, transparency, and interoperability needed.

What does it mean to be a Validator?

The Cosmos Network is based on bonded Proof of Stake, which we consider to be the next blockchain game-changer. This means that the ecosystem rewards validators for securing the network. Validators role is to run a full-node and participate in consensus by reporting votes which contain cryptographic signatures signed by their private key. Validators commit new blocks in the blockchain and receive revenue in exchange for their work.

What this means is that owners of the Cosmos tokens (the ATOM) will earn new ATOMs by validating transactions and from the yearly interest rate.

The Atoms can be staked directly by the validator or delegated to them by Atom Holders. The validator’s weight is determined by the amount of staking tokens (ATOMs) bonded as collateral.

Each validator receives revenue based on its total stake and delegators might have to pay a commission to their validators on the revenue they earn.

What does it mean to be a Delegator?

Using the Cosmos UI, any user can delegate Atoms to a validator and obtain a part of its revenue in exchange.

Each delegator is free to choose validators according to their own subjective criteria. A comprehensive Delegator’s Guide can be found HERE.

To become delegators, Atom holders need to send a “Delegate transaction” where they specify how many Atoms they want to bond and to which validator. A list of validator candidates is displayed in Cosmos Hub explorers.

For a practical guide on how to become a delegator, click HERE.

STAKING your ATOMs with Kuende

If you are an Atom Holder, feel free to perform due diligence on Kuende Validator and delegate your ATOMs to us. This way, you will be earning a stable daily income.

Everyone who participated in our Public ICO with a minimum of 3 ETH is entitled to 1 ATOM for every ETH invested. The entire process will be published once the Cosmos Governance announces that transfers have been enabled.

More details about our Validator, implemented architecture and security measures you can find on this website - validator.kuende.com

We want to thank again to Dokia Capital, one of the top Cosmos Validators, for supporting us in the Private ICO Sale and to Aurel Iancu who has been a great mentor in this journey. Moreover, we want to thank our partners from Forbole and to all the other guys from the Cosmos Ecosystem for creating such a great community.

Chat On Telegram: t.me/valithethor

Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/ValiTheThor

Check our Product: kuende.com

Subscribe on YouTube: youtube.com/c/KuendecomOfficial

Contact Validator: validator@kuende.com

