Kuende Tech S01 E02 - Down To Business!

Teodor Pripoae
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2019

“Using Gamified Challenges and blockchain technology, we seek to create a network that encourages dynamic, evolving and socially engaged communities that gather in the real world to share specific interests in rewarding and fun ways”.

And as always, we tend to deliver on our promises.

In the first two sprints, which represent the last four weeks of development, we have been focusing on upgrading our challenges framework and rewards, but also on facilitating businesses unique ways to interact with the platform and with the Kuende users.

Verified Profiles & Sponsored Challenges

Businesses on Kuende can now get their profiles verified and create Sponsored Challenges for their communities. The red badge on a Kuende Profile shows that this is the authentic Profile for that company.

The Red Badge next to the name of any profile indicates that the account is Verified!

Kuende offers an engaging tool for companies to create meaningful interactions with their customers through Kuende Challenges.

We are all tired of the increased number of ads we see every time we’re scrolling through a feed. Some of them are indeed well targeted, but most are very intrusive and it has become quite annoying. Sponsored Challenges will be available for all Kuende users and the best part is that they will be voted by the community. This way, we are giving the power to the hands of the consumer, rather than the business.

Moreover, Kuende will become a service for blockchain-based businesses to challenge their audiences and have access to all the communication and social media features.

Going through an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is very difficult. We’ve been there, trying to create meaningful Bounty Campaigns for the people that believe in you and aren’t there only to make some easy money, but rather to make an investment in the company/product/idea.

The Sponsored Challenges will enable companies to create their Bounty Campaigns on Kuende and connect with their community in an attractive way.

New Achievements, Recommend a Challenge & Mentions

A series of Achievements has been created so users can keep track of their social status and receive Kpoints accordingly. With the Challenges being at the core, we’ve redesigned the Achievements to include the interaction users have with this feature.

We have added more than 15 New Achievements, redesigned the flow and user experience for the multi-level ones and increased the Kpoints awards. You can check out their requirements to see how you can obtain them!

5 New Multi-Level Achievements

Speaking of Challenges, we have introduced a new feature requested by our users: Recommend a Challenge. Kuenders can now recommend Challenges to their friends who will be notified immediately.

In order for businesses to be able to announce the winners of their Sponsored Challenges, but also for any user to mention one of their friends in a comment, we have added the Mention feature (you can see it in action in this cool video below).

Comment Mention Feature

You can check the entire Update Log for the Desktop version HERE and for the Mobile Apps HERE

Entering The Cosmos

In the last month, we’ve also been busy building our own blockchain on top of Tendermint using the Cosmos SDK to become the first social network to join Cosmos. Cosmos Network is known in the blockchain community as “The Internet of Blockchains” for making possible the connection and communication between blockchains.

Kuende is one of the first projects to join Cosmos and also a Cosmos Validator. Read more HERE.

Future 2 Sprints: New Daily Bonus, The Kshop & Kpoints for KUE

Daily Bonus & Spins Sneak-Peaks

On Kuende, users are rewarded for their daily activity and for participating in fun Challenges. The Daily Bonus will be completely changed: for every 3 consecutive days of collecting your Daily Bonus, you will receive a Free Spin. Users will Spin the Wheel to get Kpoints, other Free Spins, but also KUE if they are lucky enough. The daily bonuses will also increase and each time you level up, you’ll earn more!

Also, one of the most expected and demanded features by the entire community will be deployed by the end of March when Kuenders will be able to claim KUE for the Kpoints earned. The option will be featured in our marketplace, the Kshop.

In the Kshop, digital goods, as well as real-life experiences, will be available for users to purchase using KUE Tokens in the near future.

Last but not least, given the increased interests in the Gamified Challenges, in the next update, we will remove the need of having KUE in order to Create a Challenge and introduce the Withdraw KUE feature as well.

See you in the next episode 👋!

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Chat on Telegram (Turkish): t.me/kuende_tr

Chat on Kakao (Korean): open.kakao.com/o/ga3QDX0

Check our Product: kuende.com

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Visit ICO Website: ico.kuende.com

Contact Email: social.media@kuende.com

