Buy Crypto with Fiat at KyberSwap

Get your first ETH to start trading over 70 tokens!

Krystal Wallet
4 min readSep 13, 2019 is pleased to announce a new fiat to crypto solution for our users.

UPDATE: We recently provided TWO new fiat to crypto options, MoonPay and Wyre, thanks to our Torus integration.

With this partnership, KyberSwap will be a fast, simple, secure non-custodial exchange for anyone, including totally new crypto users!

  • Fiat to crypto on-ramp
  • Fully on-chain token swaps
  • 70+ ERC20 Tokens
  • Non-custodial Limit Orders
  • Easy Portfolio Management
  • iOS (live soon) and android mobile apps
  • Straightforward UI/UX

Why allow fiat to crypto?

Everyone needs to first buy Ether (ETH) from somewhere, whether to trade on DEXs or to use DeFi (decentralized finance) applications.

At various Ethereum events (EDCON, ETHIndia, ETHBerlin, ETHSG, ETHSF, Devcon to name a few), we met many individuals who were keen to join the blockchain ecosystem but were not sure where to begin, as they don’t hold any cryptocurrency.

Generally the first step is the hardest, but it’s even harder when it comes to buying cryptocurrency.

In many cases, just buying 20 Euro worth of ETH requires a user to sign up, create a new account at a centralized exchange, fill up a lengthy form, remember complex passwords, and wait for days to complete the KYC process. In addition, to remain secure, the user has to set up a new Ethereum wallet, remember the seed phrase, and secure the private key, before transferring ETH from the centralized exchange to their wallet, while on different platforms/website tabs.

At KyberSwap, we have simplified this process to just a few steps! After purchasing ETH and sending it to your own Ethereum address, you can immediately start trading over 70 tokens on KyberSwap in a fully decentralized manner!

Know someone who is keen to learn more about blockchain and crypto? Spread the word now — KyberSwap is a great place to start!

Buying crypto using MoonPay or Wyre on KyberSwap

There are many factors to consider when implementing this fiat to crypto on-ramp, and we believe that we have found the right balance to provide new users with the best crypto onboarding experience.

  • Great UI/UX — KyberSwap is known for being one of the most user-friendly platforms out there, and our Torus (and in turn MoonPay and Wyre) integration allows users to buy crypto with fiat through a convenient and seamless process.
  • Low Fees — Buying crypto using cards (debit / credit) can cost up to 6% in fees in the market. At KyberSwap, buying crypto quickly with cards incur fees of as low as ~2%.
  • No complex KYC for small amounts* — Imagine a curious user who wants to try DApps on Ethereum, and would like to start by buying a small amount e.g. 20 USD worth of ETH. There aren’t many fast and convenient ways to do so. MoonPay and Wyre allow small purchases of crypto (min. 20 USD, subject to change), with just basic debit/credit card or apple pay information.

*Basic customer credit card details required.

Get Started on Ethereum with KyberSwap today!

Please note: Currently the Torus, MoonPay, and Wyre integration is in beta and only available on the KyberSwap website (not natively on the iOS and Android mobile apps). MoonPay, Wyre or other 3rd party services may require you to provide KYC (Know-Your-Customer) details before you can purchase ETH. KyberSwap is not directly involved in this process and does not store users’ personal information. KyberSwap’s main services of token exchange, token transfer, and Limit Orders, all do not require any form of KYC.

Eligible countries for the Buy ETH feature

Questions? Talk to us at

Learn more:

👉🏻Get Started on Ethereum with KyberSwap

👉🏻KyberSwap integrates Torus!

👉🏻Tips for trading on KyberSwap

👉🏻Set limit orders like a pro!

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👉🏻Download KyberSwap iOS App (live soon)

👉🏻Download KyberSwap Android App

👉🏻Transaction Debugger tool

