ENS (Ethereum Name Service) now supported on KyberSwap!

No more pasting long, impossible-to-remember Eth addresses! Tokens can now be transferred using ENS.

Krystal Wallet
2 min readDec 23, 2019

We’re happy to announce that KyberSwap is now supporting ENS (Ethereum Name Service) addresses, further improving the user experience on our web DEX and mobile apps!

Typical Ethereum hex addresses look very complex: 0x54DEFF07401E922Ff57cCeC5693daC0aB5CCDDc2

With ENS, you can view or transfer funds to other Ethereum addresses by using an easily readable name ending with .eth For example: vitalik.eth

ENS Support is available on the KyberSwap.com web platform, as well as iOS and Android mobile apps!

How does ENS work on KyberSwap?

Simple! On the ‘Transfer’ section, when you want to transfer tokens: Instead of pasting the usual long, alphanumeric Ethereum address in the ‘Recipient’ textbox, you can just paste the corresponding .eth ENS address.

KyberSwap will still display the original Ethereum hex address for you to verify that the ENS name you typed is accurate.

The steps are similar on KyberSwap mobile.

How to register your own ENS domain name?

Please visit https://ens.domains/

Contact Shane on telegram if you have questions.

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