Why You Should Join the Kyivstar DMP Team Now

VEON Careers
Kyivstar Careers
Published in
8 min readApr 19, 2018


The Kyivstar Data Management Platform (DMP) team often holds meetings of the minds. A recent workshop was held in Georgia, for instance.

“We share our unique experiences and knowledge, and work together to find solutions for VEON’s markets. Plus, we’re traveling and can have some fun,” says Sergiy, head of DMP engineering for the Euroasia hub, of the team’s meetups.

Imagine that you were on that trip, helping build data solutions and enhance services for a market that exceeds 52 million people.

That would be awesome, right? Join the DMP team — and you can experience that every day.

Now, let’s hear more about why you should join the team…like today!

1. We focus on finding value

“Telecom produces huge amounts of data. We try to find value in each row of data for our customers and business. At Kyivstar and the entire VEON group, we make decisions based on data.” — Sergiy

Picture mountains of data in front of you. It’s coming from multiple countries and tens of millions of users. There’s a diversity of challenges to solve.

Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Envision you could use that data to provide someone with a service right when they needed it, like a coupon for free coffee just as they were leaving home for work, or an Uber ride just as they were walking out of the bar.

You should be jumping for joy. With tons of data and the right tools in your hands, the sky isn’t even the limit. You can make life free and easy for millions.

Indeed, there’s a lot to discover and create when you work on the DMP team. The goal is to put this data into action. Your work simultaneously improves the lives of customers and benefits the business.

This isn’t just talk, either. The DMP team has been instrumental in pushing data to the spotlight by doing things like the following just in the following few months:

  • With the implementation of 4G in Ukraine, the DMP team is analyzing data to provide relevant information to clients and check readiness for 4G.
  • When customers enter a 4G covered area, they’re notified by the DMP team to upgrade. Contextual reminders to encourage the use of 4G are also sent.
  • Based on customer data usage, topography, and other information, the DMP team is deciding the most advantageous spots to locate base stations.

2. We give you freedom to create

“We welcome any solutions that help us reach our goals. We’re willing to dive into new things and absorb knowledge. What this does is open up opportunities to learn from one another, choose different tech stacks, play with data, and more.” — Sergiy

The team structure allows for engineers, DevOps, and others to employ any technology they feel can benefit their work and the company. By allowing for a great degree of flexibility, the DMP team can find new ways to extract value from data.

“There’s a freedom to fail on the team. To fail is to gain knowledge, as research has shown. We learn and try again,” notes Sergiy.

With such a team culture in place, you’ll feel liberated to test new ideas and gain insights from those endeavors. If you’ve ever dreamt of making magic, the DMP team could be your chance.

After all, you can even choose your own tech stack while on the DMP team. How cool is that?

3. We’re a diverse team operating on a massive scale

We break all barriers between countries in Eurasia. As an international team, we do workshops regularly together and constantly communicate on apps like Slack. We also work at a scale that’s incomparable.” — Sergiy

The DMP team handles data from over 50 million customers in the Eurasia region. Countries include Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, and Georgia. We also analyze data from VEON headquarters, and other company markets.

This makes the work unique, thrilling, and challenging. There is so much opportunity to do something special.

“There’s nothing comparable in scale to what we do. Our clients, both internal and external, are diverse and have unique needs to address. Our data solutions must keep in mind various brands across these markets. You have to interact with a lot of people and figure out how to serve lots of different customers. You can really learn a lot,” attests Sergiy.

You’re also doing more than navigating through data in the Eurasia hub. You’ll be traveling throughout the region occasionally, witnessing customers using data in person. You’ll be able to connect what you find on the screen to real life — and that’s a powerful thing.

4. We’re working on exciting projects

We’re constantly revolutionizing how we work with data. For instance, we’re doing an implementation of a data warehouse on top of the DMP platform.It’s a big challenge, and it’s really stimulated the team intellectually.” — Sergiy

In addition to internal projects, our work often involves other departments as well. This presents neat collaboration opportunities.

For example, the DMP team helps marketing upsell and cross-sell services through behavior predictions models and Zorina, a bot that utilizes natural language processing (NLP). This directly impacts the happiness of our customers.

The DMP team isn’t afraid of a challenge, that’s for sure. That’s because what we do is integral to the success of VEON’s brands in Eurasia.

In a way, we try to be superheroes. If you join the team, you can even wear a superhero costume some days. It will prove you’re ready to save the world along with us.

5. We have each other’s backs

“Our team members aren’t afraid to take responsibility on their own. We’re transparent and honest. We’ve created an atmosphere where it’s okay to ask for help, share problems, and even get something wrong. We’re team players and we’re in this together.” — Sergiy

A culture of accountability is viewed by experts as the best kind of culture a workplace can have. It ensures the team acts in a way that delivers desired results.

“Everyone is interested in what they’re doing. Team members voluntarily take tasks upon themselves because they’re passionate about they’re doing. I believe this is a testament to how intriguing the work we do is and how well we communicate and collaborate,” asserts Sergiy.

In addition to that, we also have a sense of humor. Feel free to come with some jokes and stories to tell if you join our team. We have plenty to share.

Quick answers from Sergiy on why you should join the team, based on your job:

The DMP team is made up of data scientists, DevOps engineers, product owners, and others. Sergiy has some great selling points on why the DMP team may fit you. Take a look:

Why should a data scientist join the DMP team?

We have a lot of data about our users, from how they move and what they prefer to behaviors and demographics. We have a lot of interesting tasks for predicting what they want, which enables us to cross and upsell in new ways.

For instance, we’re also working on predicting when subscribers may want to leave our network. We then figure out how to sell some services he or she may be missing.

Why should a DevOps engineer join the DMP team?

You have lots of room to get creative with cutting-edge technology. We don’t limit ourselves and you can use any tech stack you want.

Our system works 24/7. We don’t stop anywhere. We constantly add new functionality while ensuring increasing scalability. We can always find new data and create new solutions. We have 50+ systems integrated with DMP.

It’s all quite complex and you can improve a lot. We use Apache ignite for our memory database. For cold data, we use Hadoop. We also have our own programming language based on Groovy. I don’t know anywhere else in telco that implements their own language. It helps us implement ETL processes to allow for data manipulations.

Why should a product owner join the DMP team?

As a product owner, any sort of person can be our customer. It’s not enough to understand marketing, you also have to work with digital and technical teams.

The diversity of the client, whether internal or external, is what makes the work invigorating. You have to examine solutions for different markets, customers, and industries. There’s never a dull moment, and it’s your duty to successfully translate varying business needs into technical language.

Join the DMP Team Today

We’re a diverse, close-knit team that’s ready for any task in front of us. We want those that can embrace the challenges ahead with us. If that’s you, consider joining us. We’ll work hard, joke, and celebrate our successes together.

Discover all openings for the DMP team here:

