Go to La Fabrique de la Cité
La Fabrique de la Cité
A think tank on urban transitions and innovations, La Fabrique de la Cité reveals key trends and promotes pioneering initiatives by encouraging discussion between urban stakeholders.
Note from the editor

La Fabrique de la Cité is a think tank on urban transitions and innovation. With an international perspective, La Fabrique de la Cité reveals key trends and promotes pioneering initiatives by encouraging discussion between urban stakeholders. As an observatory of urban development, La Fabrique de la Cité contributes to the creation of a vision shared by those who design, plan, build, manage, and inhabit the city. La Fabrique de la Cité has developed relationships with research institutions in France and abroad and built an international ecosystem of urban planners, architects, elected officials, sociologists, economists, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Recent partners include the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS), the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI), the MIT Mobile Experience Lab, the London School of Economics (LSE), and Sciences Po’s Urban School.

Go to the profile of La Fabrique de la Cité
La Fabrique de la Cité
Think tank consacré à l’innovation urbaine, La Fabrique de la Cité est un forum, un creuset où se confrontent les points de vue, les expériences et les visions.
Go to the profile of Marie Baléo
Marie Baléo
Fondatrice de l'agence éditoriale Manifeste
Go to the profile of alexandre.grassigny
Go to the profile of Camille Combe
Camille Combe
Chargé de mission / Project Advisor
Go to the profile of Cécile Maisonneuve
Cécile Maisonneuve
Chair, la Fabrique de la Cité. Senior Advisor, IFRI. Writes on Cities, Innovation, Energy, and Geopolitics.
Go to the profile of chloe Voisin-Bormuth