
Lab Report #9— Thanks Internet for these Mad Ideas

Somehow people who use #appidea seem to be a bit insane so here are their ideas which somehow made it onto my site

Lab Report #8 — Crazy twitter crazy

Ideas that could have been featured on but were missing #appidea :(

Son, don’t ever, ever forget your hashtag — Mad Steve

Open-Pin —…

Lab Report #6 — From the Lab Vaults

Ideas that could have been featured on but were missing #appidea :(

Impossible? I think so, Mad? Definitely! — Mad Steve

Drop That Tweet…

Lab Report #5— Let Twitter Speak… Belatedly

Ideas that could have been featured on but were missing #appidea :(

Making an app a day keeps the brain-doctor away — Mad Steve

Lab Report #3 — From the rest of Twitter

Ideas that could have been featured on but weren’t

Now now, why would you deprive yourself of the #appidea hashtag (wow imagine reading that, must give you a headache).