Go to Journal of Labocine
Journal of Labocine
Updates from Labocine, a new platform for films from the science new wave.
Note from the editor

Updates from Labocine, a new platform for films from the science new wave.

Go to the profile of Alexis Gambis
Alexis Gambis
filmmaker, freelance biologist, founder of Imagine Science Films. Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. Groucho Marx.
Go to the profile of Labocine
A new platform for films from the science new wave. From lab footage to documentary to fiction, we are home to over 2,000 science films from over 100 countries.
Go to the profile of Sally Warring
Sally Warring
Biologist. Microbial movie maker. www.pondlifepondlife.com.
Go to the profile of Madison Moore
Madison Moore
Third-culture kid