Go to Labor and Trade Unions
Labor and Trade Unions
Stories relating to workers and progressive organisations fighting back against austerity and neo-liberalism.
Note from the editor

Stories relating to workers and progressive organisations fighting back against austerity and neo-liberalism.

Go to the profile of Union Solidarity Int
Union Solidarity Int
USi building #solidarity to create a stronger labour union movement across the world
Go to the profile of Walton Pantland
Walton Pantland
South African trade unionist living in Geneva via Scotland. Grumpy when decaffeinated, but not evil. Politics, philosophy, ice swimming and running.
Go to the profile of maria mikroanalogo
maria mikroanalogo
Τι να σου λεω τώρα... Να διαβάσεις το βιβλίο της @niemandsrose και να δεις το ντοκιμαντέρ της @ZoeMavroudi.
Go to the profile of Kati Sipp
Kati Sipp
Seeking out disruption. The @classwarkitteh sleeps under my couch. I write things at hacktheunion.org.
Go to the profile of Walton Pantland
Walton Pantland
South African trade unionist living in Geneva via Scotland. Grumpy when decaffeinated, but not evil. Politics, philosophy, ice swimming and running.
Go to the profile of SEIU
Official Twitter account of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a leading voice for labor & progressive change for working people. #1u #FightFor15
Go to the profile of Lauren Mobertz
Lauren Mobertz
Writes about human-centric workplaces | runs on 90's tunes | www.workcanbehappy.com