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The Northern Commentary
new perspectives on politics and society
Note from the editor

Welcome to Labour Commentary NI, a cross-Community & inclusive media initiative. We are non-partisan and fully independent media outlet, devoted to cutting-edge political commentary, well-researched and in-depth analysis on what we term 'politics of the centre-ground', especially in Northern Ireland, where we are based. We write - among other things - about the long legacy and present-day ramifications of non-sectarian politics in Northern Ireland. We are, however, NOT connected to any specific political party or movement. What we stand for, is to strengthen the politics of the middle ground, or moderate, non-sectarian politics in Northern Ireland, the central political force which, twenty years ago, enabled the signing of the Belfast Agreement. The model of elite cooperation in the Agreement subsequently led to the rise of strongly sectarian parties in electoral politics, which is directly linked to the present stalemate in Northern Ireland's devolved government. Our position is that time has come to take the Northern Ireland Peace Process 'beyond' the 1998 Agreement. This,we believe, can only be done by strengthening moderate voices in the polity, political discourse and beyond.

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The Northern Commentary