Go to Ladies that UX Taipei
Ladies that UX Taipei
Ladies That UX, LTUX 是一個來自英國曼徹斯特的國際非營利組織,提供UX/UI相關領域的女性們有一個交流的機會,認識同領域跨產業的新朋友、暢所欲言交換彼此在職場上的心得,或是分享UX領域專業經驗。LTUX Taipei 於 2015 年成立。
Note from the editor

Ladies that UX is a global community of women in UX who support each other, push the UX boundaries, and promote female skill and talent. Ladies that UX came to Taipei in 2016 and In the past four years, it has held many gatherings and workshops, even Talk UX conference for many industry experts to share their experiences.

Go to the profile of Ladies that UX Taipei
Ladies that UX Taipei
Ladies that UX Taipei is a global community for women working in the UX field.
Go to the profile of Jade Cheng
Jade Cheng
A Storyteller & Formosa islander, Project Manager in VC, Community Animal | Editor of LTUX Taipei, AgileGirls Medium
Go to the profile of Evelyn Wu
Evelyn Wu
現職虛擬貨幣交易所UIUX設計師/LTUX Taipei 志工。 喜歡聽故事與問問題,正在重修人際溝通與感性。https://www.linkedin.com/in/wuning0219/
Go to the profile of chihling kuo
chihling kuo
UX/UI designer at Glasnostic
Go to the profile of Luju
A Web Designer at Blockstudio|工具狂熱者.APP界神農氏.充滿好奇心.熱衷於參加活動認識新朋友 🙌
Go to the profile of CY. Hu
CY. Hu
Go to the profile of Betty Yang
Go to the profile of Tsaishoujou
Go to the profile of Tzumin
Go to the profile of Carol Wong
Go to the profile of chin chin
Go to the profile of 江江