Lamden Weekly Digest [Mar 24]

Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2023

A few highlights of activity over the past week across the Lamden community:


  • The new $YETI token is now available. The $MARMITE -> $YETI swap is also open. The new contract is “con_yeti”. Congrats to the $YETI team and community for completing the next stage of the project. Here’s a guide if you’d like to perform the swap right away. Otherwise, the team will be releasing an easy swap tool with the upcoming launch of the $YETI website — more details to be shared soon.
  • Reminder to withdraw any $TAU you currently hold on the Txbit exchange by April 28.
  • A new XPTL LP -> XPTL farm will open on Rocketswap on April 3.
  • The Taurus NFT marketplace has enabled “trait” filters in preparation for the upcoming release of its Taurus Bulls Collection.
  • Happy birthday, Rocketswap! Celebrating two years. If you haven’t yet, join in on the latest Leaderboard competition for XPTL and RTAU.


Each week the Lamden team will answer questions from the community. Please submit your questions to the community manager (deadline is each Wednesday to give us sufficient time to answer). This week’s AMA begins now…

q t asks, “Can we get a show of assets held in custody by Lamden and Lamden Labs? some “proof of reserves” gesture.”

Lamden Labs:

Core Team:

PineTreeV asks, “What are the remaining things that are need to be done for community nodes to be added?”

There is currently a bug that arises after a DAO motion passes that causes the nodes to stall. The team is diligently working on tracking down the root cause and hope to have a solution soon. Thank you for everyone’s continued patience.

Thanks again for everyone’s great questions this week!


  • Transactions: 1,300,584 (+870)
  • Burned: 7,694 (+5)
  • Tokens: 190 (+1)
  • Dapps: 11 (-)
  • Contracts: 1,927 (+13)
  • Addresses: 26,160 (+115)

Why Lamden?

It’s fast, with tiny transaction fees, and a developer-focus. Built from the ground up to remove technical hurdles and empower developers. Choose to program in Python, or your preferred language, and significantly reduce the time to produce your dApps. Developers are further incentivized since 90% of each transaction fee is returned to the dApp creator. $TAU has a maximum supply of 248 million and is deflationary with 1% of each transaction fee burned. Lamden is paving its own path as the premier Python-based layer-1 blockchain platform. With access to a potential developer base of over 10 million, the sky is the limit. Welcome to Lamden — let’s build together!

