Go to Landslide Lit (erary)
Landslide Lit (erary)
Poetry and prose on growing up, growing older, looking forward, looking back.
Note from the editor

Poetry and prose on the challenges and benefits of growing up, growing older, looking forward, looking back.

Go to the profile of Kimberly Garts Crum
Kimberly Garts Crum
Essayist. Teacher. Seeker. Editor. Writing Coach. Co-editor of the Landslide Lit(erary) publication on Medium
Go to the profile of Bonnie Omer Johnson
Go to the profile of Bonnie Omer Johnson
Go to the profile of Wendy McVicker
Go to the profile of Mark Williams
Go to the profile of Lennie Hay
Lennie Hay
Lennie is a retired educator. She is a poet who recently completed her MFA at Spalding University in Louisville, KY.
Go to the profile of E.G. Silverman
Go to the profile of John Limeberry
John Limeberry
John Limeberry is an Associate Professor of Popular Culture and Communication at Jefferson Community and Technical College in Louisville, KY.
Go to the profile of Mick Puckett
Mick Puckett
After retiring from teaching biology and recording engineering, I’m pursuing new passions; writing creative non-fiction and working with birds of prey.
Go to the profile of Cynthia Rausch Allar
Cynthia Rausch Allar
Cynthia Rausch Allar received her MFA in Writing at Spalding University in 2004. On day one at Spalding, she met a sister poet. They bonded. Soon, they married
Go to the profile of Tim Heerdink
Tim Heerdink
Tim Heerdink is the author of The Human Remains, Red Flag and Other Poems, Razed Monuments, and short stories, The Tithing of Man and HEA-VEN2.
Go to the profile of Deb Reinhardt-Brocious
Deb Reinhardt-Brocious
I love to write, sing, take photographs, hike, garden on our farm, fly with my pilot husband Bob in our single engine plane, find the gratitude in each moment.
Go to the profile of Dianne Aprile
Go to the profile of Laura Johnsrude
Laura Johnsrude
Laura writes creative nonfiction. (Once upon a time, Laura was a pediatrician.)
Go to the profile of Diana Vandeveer
Diana Vandeveer
Essayist. Therapist. Wanderer. Wonderer. Committed to the curious life.
Go to the profile of Anne R. Wunsch
Go to the profile of Suzanne Hartman
Go to the profile of Yvonne Vissing
Go to the profile of The Solitary Cook
The Solitary Cook
A chef writing about cooking & eating in the High Desert. Food for hundreds? No problem. For one? A different story. My story.
Go to the profile of Anna K
Anna K
Multicultural, trilingual, published author, IT professional, world traveler, wine collector, incurable empath, a woman’s voice in this defenseless world
Go to the profile of Charlotte R Dixon
Charlotte R Dixon
Novelist, writing teacher, coach. Workshops in France, Portland, and virtually. Sign up for weekly love letters and get a free Ebook: https://tinyurl.com/y9rfp3
Go to the profile of Kathy Stearman
Go to the profile of Eileen Vorbach Collins
Eileen Vorbach Collins
I write true stories I wish were fiction and fairy tales I wish were true. Author of award-winning essay collection: https://www.loveinthearchives.com/
Go to the profile of Charlotte B. Roth
Go to the profile of Kendra Stanton Lee
Kendra Stanton Lee
Writer of essays, teacher of high school, mother of two. Subscribe to my monthly love letter: https://www.kendrastantonlee.com/contact
Go to the profile of Juergen K. Tossmann
Juergen K. Tossmann
Writing from a personal perspective as an immigrant, an artist, and a sexagenarian with longevity. Him/His https://www.linkedin.com/in/juergen
Go to the profile of Yvonne Lovell
Yvonne Lovell
Immigrant. Writes essays about immigration in her family and the worry she carries with her.
Go to the profile of Teresa Savage Hines
Teresa Savage Hines
Retired Educator, Walker, Thinker, Inquirer, Memoirist
Go to the profile of Julia King Lynch
Go to the profile of Catherine Berresheim
Catherine Berresheim
Berresheim holds an MFA in CNF from Spalding University’s Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing and is a full time associate professor of English.
Go to the profile of Janice Post-White
Janice Post-White
STANDING AT WATER’S EDGE (2021, Toplight/McFarland). Writer, Researcher, Cancer Nurse, Mother of childhood leukemia survivor, https://janicepostwhite.com
Go to the profile of Nancy D Harris
Nancy D Harris
My writing focuses on family history, often relating to social issues, in short stories and prose poetry. By occupation, I am a musician and music contractor.
Go to the profile of Irene S
Irene S
From the emerald coast of the Ukrainian Black Sea to the rolling hills of Kentucky, I came to US 27 yr ago. Happy to give a voice to my multicultural background
Go to the profile of Yvonne Lovell
Go to the profile of Janet L Boyd
Janet L Boyd
Janet L Boyd writes about women, culture, politics, and life in general. She is in the final stages of writing a memoir.
Go to the profile of Marijo Grogan
Marijo Grogan
Marijo has been published in Braided Way, Tiferet, Snapdragon, Sojourners, and Embody Kind. She is a psychotherapist living outside Ann Arbor, MI.
Go to the profile of Katie Odom Writes
Katie Odom Writes
I'm a passionate writer with a keen interest in crafting captivating stories and exploring the depths of imagination. I specialize in fiction writing.
Go to the profile of Carroll D. Grossman
Carroll D. Grossman
A writer of both prose and poetry, Grossman' work can be found in anthologies and literary journals. Current projects include a poetry collection and a memoir.
Go to the profile of John Crum
John Crum
Retired family physician, restorer of houses and cars, patriarch and curmudgeon.
Go to the profile of Erlene Grise-Owens
Erlene Grise-Owens
Founding Partner, The Wellness Group ETC