Is It Possible to Pass the B2 Level German in Just 7 Months?

Yes, it’s possible.

Aarati Ghimire
Language Lab
4 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Dario on Unsplash

German is my fourth language, and I managed to get to the B2 level in just 7 months. It was a rollercoaster ride, a bit of fun, and many difficulties. In this article, I am going to share with you my journey and some important insights about learning a new language.

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What exactly is the B2 level? Are you fluent at this level?

The Common Framework of References of Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language abilities on a six-point scale (A1 to C2). According to the CEFR, you are at an intermediate level when you reach the B2 level in one language. You know most of the grammar, including written grammar, and you are supposed to understand newspaper articles, native speakers, etc.

My story

I enrolled in an intensive course of 45 mins for 5 days a week. The teachers were nice, and I learned many things. They were not native speakers, so I still had problems with pronunciation.

I can’t complain, though.

The A1, A2, and B1 levels were easy to pass, as they covered only basic things. It took me 3.5 months. Therefore, I decided to self-study B2 because the language course was for 4 months, and I wanted to save money and time. It worked out well. I did not buy any language books or enroll in any courses. I passed with a pretty good score. I could have also learned the B1 level by myself and saved some time.

In classes, they mainly teach you grammar and a little bit of interaction. They don’t help you improve your listening skills or reading skills. These skills are difficult to master by just attending a language course. After the B1 level, you don’t learn any new grammar. You already have a grasp of the language. A little help from courses will be okay, but you have to work by yourself for better results.

It is up to you to improve your language skills by doing something that works for you.

So, the main question is: Is it possible to pass the B2 level in six months? The answer is yes. I did it, and you can do it too.

Important factors

1. Motivation

The first important thing is, of course, motivation. I had my reasons for passing the B2 level, and that’s why I managed to do it in 7 months. There were days when I didn’t even want to think about learning German because of frustrations. But my why pulled me back to learning German.

So set clear intentions on why you want to learn German. Maybe write it down, and you can go read it when you feel demotivated.

If your why is strong enough, then I think you will be able to do it in an even shorter time.

2. Time

How much time can you dedicate daily to learning German? Maybe you have other commitments.

In my opinion, 2 hrs of active learning a day should be enough, along with many hours of passive learning like listening to podcasts when cleaning or trying to read a newspaper while waiting for a bus, even though you don’t understand it completely, or watching your favorite shows in German.

3. Mother tongue

If your mother tongue is English or some Germanic language, it will be a little bit easier for you. You don’t have to start learning from the alphabet, as is the case with people whose native language is Arabic or Japanese. You might even find some similarities between words if your native tongue is one of the Germanic languages. This will of course help you in your learning journey.

4. Studying technique

Using the correct learning technique is important when learning anything.

If you are only memorizing hundreds and hundreds of words without actually knowing how to use them in sentences, then it will not help. You need a correct technique and a routine. For example, allocating some time for passive learning, reading some texts, or listening practice.

4. Place

Last but not least, where you live also plays a major role. If you are living in a German-speaking nation, then it will be a great contributor to your language-learning journey. You can immediately practice what you learned when you go to a grocery store or a restaurant. Maybe you can find a tandem partner. In fact, many people in Germany are learning another language and are looking for a tandem partner.

I just want you to keep this in mind: Passing the B2 level doesn‘t guarantee your fluency. Learning a language is a long process; you can’t just learn it in 7 months and be done.

The challenging thing that comes with learning a new language is, of course, speaking. Check out this article where I talk about this — you might find it useful.

Don’t forget to give 50 claps if you enjoyed reading this article. And stay tuned for other stories :)



Aarati Ghimire
Language Lab

I write about learning languages, science, books , movies and many more .