What Do You Believe In? — Questioning Religions and Spirituality

Lalaina Rackson
4 min readSep 14, 2018


I think that there’s a certain disconnection between all the new generations, including my generation, and the religious world.

My thoughts on this is that “the religious world” has gotten somewhat of a negative connotation.

Some people will say that certain beliefs or practices are ridicule or stupid or even that they are boring.

I think that most of the time we say that purely because of our first impressions of “the religious world”.

For some of us, myself included, all we’ve really known about church and prayers was that every sunday we had to go to a religious building (the church) and we had to dress a certain way and behave a certain way and be a certain way and just do things a certain way which was all meticulously taught to us by our parents and the religious establishment.

Of course, like any other child, you don’t like to be told what to do… So, going to church ended up feeling more like a chore than anything else.

But I have to admit that I never really strayed away much from the spiritual world.

It’s important to mention that I changed what I priorly called “the religious world” to “the spiritual world”.

The reason behind that change is that I have come to learn that religion and spirituality were 2 different things.

And after some deep thoughts with myself, I have come to the realization that what I am and what I’ve always been was a spiritual person.

You might be wondering, what is the difference between the two? And, aren’t they just the same?

Turns out that even though they seem intermingled, both terms are more different than we think!

Mindvalley.com explained it wonderfully:

“The truth of the matter is that spirituality is perhaps the most natural thing there is: it is simply your own conscious self recognizing that you are more than just a body, that you are a soul with infinite potential.”

Spirituality is more about acknowledging that there is something bigger than ourselves and that there is in fact a God or a spirit or a force but compared to religion, spirituality doesn’t divide anyone into little groups with different beliefs and practices.

On the contrary, spirituality unites all of those different religions because they are all part of one same truth.

As Mindvalley said it, spirituality is the most natural thing there is.

And one thing that L’ARTISTE Mag really wants to do is bring forth who we truly are.

Who we naturally are is simply who we are meant to be.

I think that deep down we all know that there is something bigger than us that we will never truly know nor understand. And because this knowledge is the most natural thing there is, it doesn’t need any name, label or box to be put in. It doesn’t need rules or anything.

Spirituality is just about being and acknowledging that there is something bigger but there is no rules on how or why or when to be spiritual, we just naturally are.

“We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

If we go back to the initial question of this blog post “what do you believe in?”, in the end my answer would be that I believe that there is something bigger than us and I believe that we all have a purpose.

I also believe that I don’t need to belong to a religion in particular or pray a particular way or even pray at all.

I’m not saying that I won’t pray from time to time but as Deepak Chopra once said “prayer is you’re speaking to God and meditation is letting God speak to you but it speaks in silence. Then it manifests in intuitions and inspiration. Inspiration means to be “in spirit”. Enthusiam, “entheos” means to be in touch with God.”

I’m the kind of person that likes to listen more than she likes to talk so to me it’s only natural that I just listen to whatever God is guiding me to do rather than talk and ask for things.

I’m not saying that talking to God is a bad thing, on the contrary, maybe I’m the one who needs to learn how to speak more!

But right now I’m just content with just listening.

In the end, I believe that I am a product of God/a child of God and that by me simply living my life, it is me showing my gratefulness to the creator and it is no different than going to church to pray.

All I’m saying is that I am in fact constantly praising God through everything that I do and trying to show It that It didn’t create me for nothing and that I am ready and willing to achieve my purpose each and every day.

And through everything that I do, I’m just showing that I am, in fact, listening and I’ll keep on learning so that I can be the person that I was naturally born to be.

That’s what I believe in.


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