A Call For Valentine’s Day Humor

JL Matthews
Laughing Stock
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Is there anything funnier than relationships?



Farting ducks?


But relationships— with all of their blunders, mistakes, and disappointments — must be a close second.

With that in mind, Catherine Weingarten and Gracie Beaver-Kairis (hey, beavers are funny animals too!) want your silly Valentine’s Day pieces.

They’re looking for witty, goofy, absurd, or otherwise nonsensical pieces that are less than 1,000 words.

They’d love to see some illustrations.

Unless they are illustrations of duck farts.

Or beaver farts.

Full details can be found here.

Submissions are open through February 12th.

Catherine and Gracie Beaver-no-fan-of-duck-farts-Kairis will publish the best of the lot through the end of February.

I’m taking the plunge, and I’d love to see some pieces from a few of my favorite Medium compatriots:

Roz Warren, Aimée Gramblin, Jennie Young, Christopher Shelley, Mark Starlin, Andy Spain, Lindsay Hameroff, Emme Beckett, Andrew Hutchinson, Elle Rogers, Kylie Craft, Lindsay Brown, Christine Stevens, Ms. Part Time Wino, Audrey Burges, Kyrie Gray, Andrew Knott, irene tassy, Justin Avery Smith, Lucie Frost, Shawn Berman, Shannon Carpenter, Leslie Ylinen, Jen Freymond

Happy writing and Happy (early) Valentine’s Day!

