Here’s to the first day of Summer !

Layer One
Layer One
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2017

Last week we had the pleasure to break our radio silence by announcing our forthcoming relaunch and give you a sneak peek of what to expect. We’ve been pushing hard to bring you the new build and wanted to confirm tomorrow the update is going live at approximately 2 PM EST June 21st, with even more added features and improvements!

For those of you who’ve been tweeting and sending us social love: Thank you! Our users are our passion and your encouragement gives us the will to carry on at 4 AM. Don’t stop — seriously…don’t.

Quick note: we know broadcasting can be crazy enough so we’ve been working to test, fix, and retest the new site before pushing the update. Huge thanks to those of you that helped. If you do run into any issues, want an update on the weather outside (it’s hot) or just feel like saying hello, definitely hit us up on Twitter! We keep our dms open so reach out any time.

With that, here’s the goods for what you’ll see tomorrow…

New dashboards for everyone

…a reminder to start stream setup early

You will have to rebuild your dashboards after this update. We apologize in advance, but spring cleaning sometimes brings new perspectives. Try to experiment with some of the new cards!


…yeah, about that new sexy backend

Since everything is new, we weren’t able to save your former integrations like StreamLabs, StreamTip, etc. You will need to go to your settings & link your integrations again.

Old data

…we’ll move old-you to new-you

In order to avoid complications, we are migrating your old data after you sign in. Please give us a few hours to get those sorted. We are handling them in waves.

Plus users

…our superheros

Previous Plus users, your accounts will not be upgraded when you initially sign in, but the moment we migrate your data this will be corrected. Yes, you will still keep the $4.99 rate. No need to upgrade again (unless you really really want to.)

One more update

…cus we made you wait so long

Long time users, we know this was a big ask from a lot of you. We are sorry it took so long to get this in. We hope it makes you as happy as it makes us.

That’s right — you can now place your cards any. where. you. please.

Hope your summer kicks off to a great start! And as as a reminder, we’re planning to preform this update around 2 PM EST June 21st 2017.

More soon,

The Layer One Team

