What I Value As a Leader: Part 1


Chris Caldwell
Leaders & Managers


This article is one part of a series on my leadership values, which form the basis of my leadership blueprint, a tool that I use to accelerate my integration into new teams by helping them understand who I am, what I value, and how it shows up in the work I do every day.

Although the article is short, it contains many links to books and reference materials that flesh out particular concepts. I recommended that you take the time to read these supporting materials to develop a more complete picture of the ideas and how they might apply to you, your teams, and your organization.

My leadership values: candor, ownership, leadership, making & sharing, diversity & collaboration.

What candor means to me.

When people can challenge and discuss ideas directly and in the open, regardless of position or tenure within a group or organization, innovation, diversity, inclusion, and positive feedback loops will thrive. Candor is the foundation of creating meaningful high-trust, high-support structures within teams that help people take greater ownership, leadership, and agency while accelerating their growth and requires creating a psychologically safe environment to build high-functioning teams.

“At its core, Radical Candor is guidance and feedback…



Chris Caldwell
Leaders & Managers

I provide leaders with tools to break down silo’s and increase team profitability, engagement, and innovation | Creator of the Silo Busting Team Accelerator™