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LeanTaaS Engineering
Better Healthcare Through Math
Note from the editor

articles/blogs/posts by leantaas engineers

Go to the profile of Ajaya L
Go to the profile of Chandra Kalle
Go to the profile of Sanjeev Agrawal
Sanjeev Agrawal
President, Healthcare & CMO @ leantaas.com. Head of Product Marketing @google, CEO @aloqa (sold to Motorola), VP Products @tellme (sold to Microsoft), MIT alum
Go to the profile of Pavan Nalam
Pavan Nalam
Go to the profile of Ajaya Loya
Ajaya Loya
Engineering Manager, Cloud Infrastructure & Security @leantaas | AWS 3x Certified
Go to the profile of Gokhan Oner
Go to the profile of Shravan Sabavat
Go to the profile of Santhosh Gandhe
Santhosh Gandhe
Software Engineer, Engineering Manager and a Dad. Love to talk about serverless technologies.
Go to the profile of Ryan Beaman
Go to the profile of Nanditha Madhusudan
Nanditha Madhusudan
I am a software development engineer in test. Love to code in Python, Javascript and write automation tests.
Go to the profile of Ben Copeland
Ben Copeland
Software engineer, gamer, amateur game developer, haiku writer, entrepreneur.
Go to the profile of Leo C.
Leo C.
Senior Frontend Engineer