Go to Learn. Love. Code.
Learn. Love. Code.
Insights on education and tech from Flatiron School’s passionate community of coders and creators. https://www.flatironschool.com
Note from the editor

Insights on education and tech from Flatiron School’s passionate community of coders and creators. https://www.flatironschool.com

Go to the profile of Flatiron School
Go to the profile of Nicholas Gallinelli
Go to the profile of Charles Poladian
Charles Poladian
Charles Poladian is a copywriter for Flatiron School. He previously worked as a tech journalist. Charles lives in Brooklyn as the father of many plants.
Go to the profile of Flatiron School
Go to the profile of Jess Rudder
Jess Rudder
By day I help build GitHub. By night I talk code at http://youtube.com/compchomp. In the afternoon, I run.
Go to the profile of Kailee Gray
Go to the profile of Rebekah Rombom
Rebekah Rombom
General enthusiast. Making myself useful @FlatironSchool.
Go to the profile of Brian Emory
Brian Emory
Backend Software Engineer (Ruby/Elixir). Giraffe-like qualities. I enjoy video games, bad movies, hard ciders, and pizza.
Go to the profile of Ryan McNeely
Ryan McNeely
Sports and tech buff. Learning the ins and outs of web development. Armchair philosopher. Find me at @R_McNeely on Twitter
Go to the profile of fuzzystarfilms
Spending a year filming, teaching, and having fun in the last Buddhist kingdom on earth, Bhutan!
Go to the profile of Tadzio Smith
Tadzio Smith
|Tah-jo| Exploring code + empathy to build SaaS products with impact. West Coast transplant. Former opera singer. Embarrassing dad to a mini-schnauzer.
Go to the profile of Tracy Lum
Tracy Lum
Software Engineer // Writer
Go to the profile of Adam Enbar
Adam Enbar
@FlatironSchool. Nothing in moderation.
Go to the profile of Lucas Moore
Lucas Moore
Software Engineer
Go to the profile of Brian Holland
Brian Holland
It’s not an adventure if you know you’re going to make it.
Go to the profile of Abhishek Pillai
Abhishek Pillai
Sr. Product Manager @ Teachers Pay Teachers (We're hiring! https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Careers). Formerly at @learn_co and @Groupon. Always Learning.
Go to the profile of Steve Frost
Steve Frost
Born in Detroit. Living in Brooklyn. Building things at github.com/steveafrost
Go to the profile of Kirsten O'Farrell
Kirsten O'Farrell
Full stack dev from Stamford, CT
Go to the profile of Adrian Prieto
Adrian Prieto
Lead Engineer at Futurism
Go to the profile of Sarah Alder
Sarah Alder
software whisperer @ younow | brooklyn, ny
Go to the profile of Mat Balez
Mat Balez
Tech entrepreneur. Creator Hello Bitcoin.
Go to the profile of Michael Alpert-Appell
Michael Alpert-Appell
Community.lawyer developer, former Flatiron Student, vengeful code wraith.
Go to the profile of Eric Schwartz
Eric Schwartz
Full stack web developer with experience in JavaScript, React/Redux, and Ruby on Rails. Musician turned coder.
Go to the profile of Johann Kerr
Johann Kerr
Software Engineer @FlatironSchool, formerly Lead iOS & Web Instructor at //
Go to the profile of Nicholas Gallinelli
Go to the profile of Nicholas Gallinelli
Nicholas Gallinelli
I’ve been an editor for five years and a product manager for two. You can find me at nicholasgallinelli.com.
Go to the profile of Peter Bell
Peter Bell
Senior Dir @Flatiron / @WeWork, Founder/CTO @ctoconnection & @learn2speakgeek, ex-SVP Eng @GA cofounder @CTOSchool & @ctosummit, author @pearson & @oreillymedia