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The world is changing. Learn. Adapt. Thrive.
Note from the editor

The world is changing. Learn. Adapt. Thrive.

Go to the profile of Lea Simpson
Lea Simpson
Founder of Brink, Team Leader of the Frontier Technologies Hub. Tech optimist and lifelong nerd.
Go to the profile of Craig Valters
Craig Valters
Peacebuilding in Myanmar. Former Research Fellow @ODIdev. Reforming the aid industry. Tweets all my own.
Go to the profile of Fiveyearstime
We help ambitious startups build a plan for growth, get investment ready & reach their potential! #founders #startups #fundraising #entrepreneurs @jessi_dick
Go to the profile of Sam Sharp
Sam Sharp
Research Officer at the Overseas Development Institute
Go to the profile of Paola Abis
Go to the profile of Emma Proud
Emma Proud
On a journey to explore Behavioural Innovation — the mindsets, methods and mechanisms we need for innovation to thrive
Go to the profile of Craig Valters
Craig Valters
Peacebuilding in Myanmar. Former Research Fellow @ODIdev. Reforming the aid industry. Tweets all my own.
Go to the profile of Jamie Pett
Jamie Pett
Facilitation, complexity, learning and network weaving. Board Co-chair @ RESULTS UK. Founder @ LondonLIDN. Associate @ Curiosity Society. he/his/him
Go to the profile of Abigail Freeman
Abigail Freeman
Founder of Brink. Organisational psychologist and behaviour designer writing about the future of work, the mindsets and culture we need for innovation to thrive
Go to the profile of Fiveyearstime
We help ambitious startups build a plan for growth, get investment ready & reach their potential! #founders #startups #fundraising #entrepreneurs @jessi_dick
Go to the profile of Pippa Ranger
Pippa Ranger
Social scientist and innovator. Putting people at the heart of development. #UKaid @DFID_UK @ForsterMPark #LoveForsterPark. Views my own.
Go to the profile of LearnAdapt
Go to the profile of Benjamin Kumpf
Benjamin Kumpf
Temporarily retired social activist; currently working on innovation for the UK Department for International Development.