Do It Abroad is a member of the first cohort of LearnSpace, an accelerator that provides…
Differ is a member of the first cohort of LearnSpace, an accelerator that provides promising…
All signs point to the global edtech market growing in value over the next several years. Investment is rising, the market is minimally digitalized, and there remains much space for growth outside of the US, China, and a few…
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the LearnSpace acceleration program:
1- Who can apply?
Every European Edtech startup at pre-seed or seed stage with:
(1) a strong and resilient team,
1. Είμαστε ένας ευρωπαϊκός επιταχυντής “EdTech” που θέλει να υποστηρίξει τολμηρούς ιδρυτές.
2. Το “status quo” αποτυγχάνει. Ο τρόπος που μαθαίνουμε σήμερα δεν έχει πλέον νόημα. Πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσουμε πιο ενεργές και εξατομικευμένες μεθόδους…
1. Somos un laboratorio europeo de Educación Tecnológica buscando el apoyo de inversionistas visionarios y atrevidos.
2. El status quo va camino al fracaso. La manera en la que aprendemos hoy en día no responde a las necesidades de la generación…