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GoodNotes Blog
The world’s best-loved digital paper
Note from the editor

Paperless working, teaching, and learning can save you a lot of valuable effort, time, and money. On our blog we share trends, tips, and tricks to guide you down the road to a completely paperless environment. The insights we share come from our own rich experiences and from our large global user base. Now lets leave paper behind and be more productive together!

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We’re the makers of GoodNotes. We help people note down, shape and share their ideas with the world’s best-loved digital paper.
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Gabriel Jourdan
Growth, marketing & more @GoodNotesApp New Work Evangelist
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Go to the profile of Francesco D'Alessio
Francesco D'Alessio
Productivity software reviewer. Building Tool Finder. Uncovering the future of productivity software. Discover tools: https://toolfinder.co/