Future sounds

How dozens of companies are planning to change what we listen to on the web

1. New networks for podcasts

PRX’s Radiotopia is hoping to create a sustainable model for high quality podcasting — but they’re not the only ones who see the potential there.

2. Social networks for audio content

Yappie is one of a collection of social-focused audio apps.

3. Mobile OS in cars

Google and Apple started putting their plans to get into the car into action in 2014.

4. Audio mapping

5. Producing audio collaboratively

Splice is envisioning a world where communities across the world quickly and easily colloborate to get web audio ready for primetime.

6. “Pandora-for-news” apps

NPR, Rivet News Radio and — maybe soon — Apple are all betting on automatic audio recommendations.



Neil Holt
Learn: Journalism + Tech

I think about how to avoid distraction, focus on the right thing, and adventures in turning ideas into reality. UX Manager @airspaceinc. Follow @neilthomasholt.