Go to Leeve Latest
Leeve Latest
Leeve is a product by No Divide Studio, we’re currently working on LeeveBot, a simple Slack Bot that allows you to manage team leave with Slack.
Note from the editor

Leeve is a product by No Divide Studio, we’re currently working on LeeveBot, a simple Slack Bot that allows you to manage team leave with Slack.

Go to the profile of Dan Edwards
Go to the profile of Ryan Taylor
Ryan Taylor
Technical Director at @nodivide, creator of @leeve_app & @getastrum. Author of Version Control with Git (https://gumroad.com/l/rXch). Husband & father.
Go to the profile of Andy Bell
Andy Bell
Independent designer and developer with a focus on progressive enhancement and #a11y ➤ React, Vue, Node, WordPress, Craft CMS ➤ Booking projects in for 2019 🚀
Go to the profile of Ryan Taylor
Ryan Taylor
Technical Director at @nodivide, creator of @leeve_app & @getastrum. Author of Version Control with Git (https://gumroad.com/l/rXch). Husband & father.
Go to the profile of Andy Bell
Andy Bell
Independent designer and developer with a focus on progressive enhancement and #a11y ➤ React, Vue, Node, WordPress, Craft CMS ➤ Booking projects in for 2019 🚀