Introducing LendLedger Community Experts

LendLedger Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018

Transparency is a key pillar within the LendLedger ethos. It shapes what we do and how we do it.

It’s our pleasure to announce a new initiative today called “LendLedger Community Experts”.

Who are LendLedger Community Experts?

Projects of all stripes often use advisory boards more for vanity than for substance. In LendLedger’s case, we’re at the start of a decade-long journey to transform how lending markets work. This makes it critical for us to get the right inputs (affirmative and critical), from the right people, at every step.

That’s who LendLedger Community Experts are. They are drawn from firms that are likely to use the LendLedger protocol — Data Providers, Lenders, Credit Evaluators, Identity Validators, Loan Servicers, potential Credit Nodes, and more. They are highly respected in their industries, located all over the globe, and savvy about what LendLedger will do.

Community Experts will help define and improve our network by vetting our assumptions and specs, testing early releases, refining our protocols and software, and providing feedback to development and management teams. This will benefit all users and partners.

Meet the Community Experts

We’re excited to introduce you to all our Community Experts in the coming weeks, both those working with us and those who are going to join.

To kick things off, we are thrilled to introduce you to Akanksha Hazari, CEO of m.Paani, and a LendLedger Community Expert. Click here to read about Ms. Hazari.

