What if Mark Cuban was the GOP nominee for president? Part Two: Mark Cuban says insane things.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2016

It isn’t a stretch to imagine that had Mark Cuban run for the GOP nomination he might have beaten Trump. These posts will attempt to explore what the Democrats and media might be saying about Cuban if he were the GOP nominee for president. I’ve taken real headlines from various media organizations and replaced Trump’s name with Cuban’s.

Part One: Mark Cuban is a Racist.

Mark Cuban: Why he says crazy things — CNN.com

The president of the United States is the most powerful person on the earth and whoever occupies the office must have a steady hand. Over the years Mark Cuban has proven himself to be an irrational blowhard. We can’t afford to have someone with so little self-control to have his finger on the nuclear button.

Take for example Mark’s career in the NBA. Over the course of fifteen years he’s been fined almost $3M by the league simply because he can’t control his temper. He is regularly fined between $25K and $250K for his outbursts where he verbally abuses and publicly criticizes NBA staff and employees. But Mark’s outbursts haven’t been limited to the NBA — he’s even been fined ($15K) for his remarks in a eSports event just last year.

Of course Cuban has had a number of outrageous outbursts that didn’t result in a fine. In one particular playoff game against the Spur Cuban attacked a Gatorade Jug ruthlessly. In one case he even pretended to attack an NBA judge in an attempt at a cheap laugh:

America can’t afford someone who can’t control his temper. We need a steady hand to lead this great nation. Mark should stay focus on the NBA until he can exercise some level of self control.

