Book Excerpt — 1 of 4

The Unexpected Path to Healing Chronic Pain — Understanding

From “Painless” — a novel about Chronic Pain and the Mindbody Connection by Chana Studley



After the birth of my son, my second child, my body got to feeling pretty miserable. Between muscle aches and terrible IBS, I just hurt all the time. This was long before I found the wisdom of the 3 Principles, but I had always had a sense of what it meant to follow my wisdom, and off I went looking for a solution, a cure so to speak.

My family doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. This is what is known in medical circles as a “bucket diagnosis”. Meaning that when they rule out everything else, this is what they are left with. It also means that lots of different individuals with lots of different symptoms can find themselves with this similar diagnosis. It has always been known to be stress-related and at one time sending patients to a psychiatrist was considered the best treatment option. Unfortunately, this left patients feeling unheard and that they were being viewed in terms of “it’s all in your head.” And this, was not helpful to anyone’s healing.

My family doctor didn’t take this approach, instead prescribing high doses of Aleve which only…



Deborah Baron, I Coach Emerging Leaders
Less Stress More Success

I coach and mentor young professionals and emerging leaders to find their confidence and competence so they can step into their full potential.